Monday, September 9, 2013

Where the Pearl is Formed

     'You must open the interior eyes of your soul on the light, on this heaven within you, a vast horizon stretching far beyond the realm of human activity, an unexplored country to the majority of human beings.
     The ordinary observer sees in the ocean only the realm of storms and never guesses that a few feet below the surface its waters are always limpid, and in a scintillating clarity is found vegetation and living creatures of wondrous diversity, marvelous in beauty and structure, mysterious depths where the pearl is formed.
     Such is the depth of the soul where God dwells and shows Himself to us.  And when the soul has seen God, what more can it want?  If it possesses Him, why and for whom can it ever be moved to abandon Him?
     So at any price, preserve yourself in that calm through which the soul sees the eternal Sun.'

St. Vincent Ferrer
Painting:  Henry Scott Tuke, Looking Out to Sea

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