Friday, September 25, 2015

The Visit

The Eucharistic Visit

'The Visit is a meeting of our soul
and of our whole being with Jesus.
It is the creature meeting the Creator;
the disciple before the Divine Master;
the patient with the Doctor of souls;
the poor one appealing to the Rich One;
the thirsty one drinking at the Font;
the weak before the Almighty;
the tempted seeking a sure Refuge;
the blind person searching for the Light;
the friend who goes to the True Friend;
the lost sheep sought by the Divine Shepherd;
the wayward heart who finds Wisdom;
the bride who finds the Spouse of the soul;
the 'nothing' who finds the All;
the afflicted who finds the Consoler;
the seeker who finds life's Meaning.'

Blessed James Alberione

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