Monday, February 4, 2013

This Time It's Personal

As we know, this is not a blog of a "deeply personal" nature.  It was never supposed to be.  However, for the season of Lent that's so quickly upon us, I think this might be about to change.

Cloister of the heart is nothing if not personal.  It is an expression of a relationship between Christ and the soul...  and relationship involves communication.  To be frank (here comes the personal part), my communication with God could use some boosting.  When we were talking about Lectio Divina, I practiced it diligently.  It stayed on my mind.  Plus I felt accountable ... to you.  Now I find myself lagging.  Putting off prayer until later in the day, and then later, until sometimes I'm squeezing it in between a chore and a meal.  Now being in the more settled situation of an"older" person, I don't have to do it that way anymore.  I no longer need to get every sink scrubbed and every onion chopped before driving carpool.  I'm not even responsible for a toddler grandchild several days a week, as I was until just a few months ago.  There are no more excuses.  It is different for all of us, but for me personally:  on most days I have time to pray.

So:  my Lenten adventure?   It is to be a cloistered one.  It is to be a person to Person one, as I talk with God and allow Him space to get through to me.   It's also to be personal in that right here, with you, I would like to share what happens as this goes along.  I have a feeling I'll be called to look into what blocks me from spending chunks of quality time with God.  Already I hear my ego crying "ouch."

And no worries:  we won't be forgetting our monastery.  For nearly thirty years, cloister of the heart has been woven into my being and throughout my every day - so I can't talk of prayer or of God without the "cloister" naturally being there.  I walk around in it (picture a monastery-shaped spacesuit with grillwork over the face).  I do hope you will join in the adventure, perhaps even sharing as YOU might feel inclined in our parlor.

What will happen?  I don't know.  I only know one thing, so far. 

This time it's personal.

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Painting:  Alphonse Legros, Communion