Sunday, July 22, 2012

Introducing: A Prayer Corner

There's a new blog on our monastery grounds!  A Prayer Corner is just being opened, and hopefully tomorrow (God willing) shall be its official "start up day," when there will be a brief quote or a short Scripture posted.  This is so that those of us who wish to do so can take such thoughts to reflection or prayer. 

“Let your prayer be very simple," wrote St. John Climacus.  "for the tax collector and the prodigal son, just one word was enough to reconcile them with God.” I can have trouble finding even that one word.  The world presses in, disturbing my prayer time, and I wind up crying out for something to arm me against distractions.  So I'm trying out this "corner" to see how it goes.  

For now, there is an introductory post.  In days to come, entries will be much more brief and will consist of prayer.   We'll see how this goes!  May God lead.