Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Thank you for your generous confirmations that indeed, we do need an "oasis in a world-gone-frantic." These have been an encouragement as I've continued gathering treasures at a sometimes rapid pace.

I must say that the "digs" are personally rewarding. After all, I'm not working in the barren sunbaked desert as I do this.  I don't have to sift through sand to find the treasures we seek.  Oh no.  I am soaking in the life-giving waters of Scripture, basking in the fragrance of Church teaching, being soothed by balms of saintly serenity.

And the best part is:  I get to pass it on! 

One thing I should mention:  if you ever happen to look for one of the titles in the list above and find it seems to disappear for a time - this doesn't mean that one of our trees has gone missing!  It probably means I am working "in that tree" (!) at that moment.   Apparently a "stand alone page" gets pulled from what you can access while I'm writing in it.  It will appear again, once I've finished adding new "finds."

Thank you for sharing this oasis!  May it be a refreshing place of refuge for all of us in the midst of a frenetic, busy, arid, and all-too-often-godless world.

Back to the dig for me.  You're invited to keep checking the titles above (across the page) for ongoing updates. 

(now where did I put that shovel.....?)